Simon Eve Counselling in Bakewell, Derbyshire

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A Counsellor based in Bakewell

Welcome to my website where there is information about me and the counselling service I provide in Bakewell, Derbyshire which I hope will help you to make the right decision regarding counselling and therapy.

The rewards that counselling and therapy have to offer are unbounded and with some patience, perseverance and commitment there are precious benefits to be gained from the process such as self-understanding and empowerment, wellbeing and acceptance. Life can often be troubling and problems seem insurmountable. If things keep defeating you or you want to improve the quality of your life experience then counselling is a great place to start exploring this.

Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety are often the number one issues that those who need counselling and therapy require help with. A medical model often mitigates the symptoms of depression and anxiety with pharmaceutical treatment which is important but too often inadequately addresses the underlying causes. Counselling offers a root and branch approach to whatever it is that troubles you. In my experience anxiety and depression are often symptoms of underlying issues and are self-perpetuating which leads to an ever increasing cycle of despair and negative thinking and behaviour. Counselling gives the sufferer an opportunity to allow a healing process to begin and a new dawn of enlightenment to emerge.

Addiction in all its forms, whether that be alcoholism, substance misuse or other compulsive behaviours often reflects difficulties in coming to terms with past upset and trauma. Counselling not only assists in shining a light of awareness on this but in changing spiralling destructive behaviour. Counselling further addresses the fundamental underlying issues and renegotiating past hurts and harms that may have remained hidden but be the cause of a great many debilitating symptoms. I can assist greatly in identifying these patterns of addiction and becoming more aware of the destructive cycles and then creating a robust programme of recovery for a long term future.

Loss and Bereavement
Losing someone or something you hold dear can have devastating consequences on your mental and physical health. Counselling provides a safe place in which to come to terms with loss and find meaning in it. With time it may be possible to integrate loss and find ways of moving on in life with a deepened sense of awareness and acceptance. It might be that you are facing major loss such as the death of a loved one or things that are less tangible but yet still causing you much pain. Whether your loss is big or small counselling is an opportunity to make meaning from these experiences and growing as a result.

In summary
Please take a moment to navigate around the site which is designed to help you make the right decision for you in accessing the support and guidance you need at this point in time. If there are any questions you have or anything that it would be helpful to discuss further please do not hesitate to contact me via the details provided. I am happy to offer counselling sessions in person or provide online counselling whether you are in Derbyshire or indeed further afield.

Couples Work
I am happy to work with couples either together or on an individual basis. This is often something that is highly effective and supportive in helping each party to work through their position and grow and develop both individually and together as a couple.

Thank you for taking a moment to read though this and as a counsellor in Bakewell I do hope that it will encourage you to take the vital step necessary to access the help you need. I provide a counselling service in the Matlock, Buxton and Chesterfield area if you wish to meet in person but I understand that in the current climate of Covid 19 online sessions may be more appropriate. If you wish online therapy or counselling anywhere in Derbyshire or further afield this can be facilitated from wherever is most convenient for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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